Motivation talk on “ Time and choice of career”

Event Date : 31/01/2021

A motivation talk on time and choice of career was conducted by department   on 31st January 2021.

The incharge of Physics and electronics  Dr K Jyoti convened this program. Our college principal Dr.C. Krishna has presided over the function. The chief guest and speaker of this program was group commander DS Rao, ex commanding officer of 9 (A) air sqn(T), NCC.

 2nd BSc MPC English medium student Pranitha introduced the guests to the webinar.

   In conveners message Dr K Jyoti told that, this could be the the right topic at right time. Everyone should get benefit of this program, specially final year students. K Jayadev has given an introduction about the chief guest group commander D S Rao. In his presidential remarks,

Dr C Krishna said that, this kind of programs will help the students to set a goal, career planning and ultimately settle the students in higher positions.

Not only the NCC cadets, but non NCC Cadets also could think about their future.

In his talk DS Rao tells about the maximum utilization of time. He explained about how to set goals, how to plan future career. He also advises the students to improve public speaking skills, communication skills, and grip over English. Students received the program very well. They have posed many questions in interaction session. Chief guest had clarified all the the questions raised by the students and by the faculty members.

3rd BSc mpcs student Hema Sri Lata veni has proposed a vote of thanks to the chief guest. After that the program end with national anthem


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