Syllabus & Model Papers

English Literature- Fifth Semester Model Paper (A
English Literature- Fifth Semester Model Paper (In
English Literature- Fifth Semester Syllabus (Ameri
English Literature- Fifth Semester Syllabus (India
English Literature- First Semester Model Paper
English Literature- Fourth Semester Question Paper
English Literature- Fourth Semester Syllabus
English Literature- Second Semester Model Paper
English Literature- Second Semester Syllabus
English Literature- Sixth Semester Model Paper (In
English Literature- Sixth Semester Subject Electiv
English Literature- Sixth Semester Subject Electiv
English Literature- Sixth Semester Subject Electiv
English Literature- Sixth Semester Subject Electiv
English Literature- Sixth Semester Syllabus (India
English Literature- Third Semester Model Paper
English Literature- Third Semester Syllabus
General English- First Semester Model paper
General English- First Semester Syllabus
General English- Fourth Semester Model Paper
General English- Fourth Semester Syllabus
General English- Second Semester Model paper
General English- Second Semester Syllabus
General English- Third Semester Model Paper
General English- Third Semester Syllabus
Once upon a time poem
Once upon a time poem MCQs
Once upon a time poem study material
Shyness my shield lesson
Shyness my shield lesson
Shyness my shield ppt
Shyness my shield MCQs
Shyness my shield MCQs
Shyness my shield study material
Digging poem
Digging poem ppt
Digging notes
Digging MCQs
Oneday in Taj hotel
One day in Taj hotel ppt
Preposition MCQs
Preposition ppt
Articles ppt
Writing a good essay
Transformation of sentences
Transformation of sentences
Direct and indirect speech
Passive Voice and Active voice
Kanyasulkam notes
Kanyasulkam MCQs
Kanyasulkam MCQs 2
Kanyasulkam video content
Once upon a time poem video content
Shyness my shield video content
History of English Literature
History of English Literature MCQS
History of English Literature Notes
History of English Literature YouTube links
History of English Literature
One day in Taj hotel video links
Digging poem video links
Communication skills
Grammar common errors
Model verbs
Future Tense
Past Tense
Future Tense
Why people really love technology text
Why people really love technology ppt
Why people really love Technology notes
Why people really Love Technology YouTube links
Ppt on once upon a time
Modal verbs
Conditional verbs
Noun clause ppt
Ppt on parts of speech
III sem General English Study Material
Video lesson on Once upon a time
Syllabus for General English sem 2
CoramandalFishers PPT
Department Time table
Department Time table